Servicing San Jose, Oakland, Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto, Merced, Fresno, Bakersfield, Sonora, Los Angeles, and all surrounding areas
Are you outside of the Modesto area?
We are the court reporting service providers for you!
Whether you need a court reporter in your area, or you are coming to the Central Valley area, we will arrange all your court reporting needs.
We offer booking services for certified shorthand reporters, interpreters, videographers, etc. in cities throughout California.
If you need to take depositions or attend a trial in the Modesto area, you will find our offices conveniently located close to the courthouse and restaurants with plenty of free parking. We provide conference rooms for your use included when you book a job with us.
Our staff will make certain that you are welcomed and provided top quality certified shorthand reporters who will minimize interruptions to avoid any wasted time.
Our deposition rooms are professional with comfortable chairs and stocked with water, sodas, pens, pencils, and other supplies.
We have a stocked snack room with coffee, tea, soda, and a refrigerator for your convenience. For scheduled depositions, Renee Brush will provide homemade cookies!
Call or book a deposition with us now. Attorneys will appreciate our great services and facility!